Prep Coach UK

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Rebecca Prior

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rebecca prior

I first saw Rebecca in 2019 when she competed in the same show as Clara. After that show I reached out to her to let her know how much potential I thought she had and we began working together straight away. I knew that if we added some mass in the right areas, specifically glutes and delts,  that it would continue to develop her physique towards the bikini/fitness model classes.

12 weeks into our gaining phase the pandemic hit and the gyms shut. This put a slight road block in our plans but it did not deter us from the overall goal: Coming back to the stage with a better package. She did in which she placed 2nd in NFMUK, winning her pro card, and also 3rd in bikini. She wrapped up the season with grabbing a 4th place at Pure Elite.

Here is what Rebecca had to say about her journey:

“I reached out to Vaughan straight after my first show in 2019. I was specifically looking for a prep coach and Vaughan and everything his team stands for stood out to me. I knew that he had the knowledge and experience to get me to where I wanted to be- to take it to the next level.

Vaughan could tell me to do something and I would trust in it 100 per cent, I know he always has the knowledge to back any questions I may have. Check ins keep that constant communication going however I know I can message Vaughan whenever I need and he’s always there for support which I personally feel is one of the big ones- especially on prep where you may need it more.

I can honestly say I have done a gaining phase, maintenance phase and a cutting prep phase with Vaughan and I have got amazing results in all of my phases I have done with him and I would look no where else in terms of online coaching. I have just completed my first show being under his guidance and I have got in the best physique of my life and I definitely have achieved my goal of bringing the best me yet and going to that next level with all thanks to Vaughan.”

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