James Stark

James stark

When James first came on board the goal was simply to drop some body fat and feel better within his own skin. He achieved this in a relatively short period of time as he had some great foundations to work from. Being an avid gym goer 5 times a week James simply needed the structure and accountability for him to reach his goal. He picked up the training and nutrition side of things very quickly and it wasn’t long before he was looking ahead to set himself an even greater challenge.

This lead to me suggestion a photoshoot, something that he jumped to with open arms. The only thing that deterred us from doing so was the lockdown in 2020. That being said we delayed things till the following year and managed to train from whatever facility we could. Fast forward to 2021 and a rescheduled shoot date was hit with another lockdown, but with it being later on that year we pushed on.

The gyms opened and prep begun, it was as we were drawing near I actually suggest if he would like to jump in the local bodybuilding show that was coming to town as we had previously spoke about competing in the future. He was hesitant at first but went for it, and I was glad he did as he walked away with ain the masters mens physique category and ain the open class.  4 days after the show he completed the previous years goal and smashed his photoshoot.

Here is what James had to say about his journey:

“I reached out to Vaughan because I was frustrated at how my body looked even though went the the gym 5 days a week. There are so many things that I have learned..form is more important than weight..drop the macho attitude…do not compare yourself to anyone else, you are competing against yourself and your log book.

I can honestly say I have never felt so good physically and mentally and I would recommend everyone giving it a go. It is tough..it is disgustingly tough towards the end of prep but the sense of achievement beats this hands down. I cannot speak highly enough of Vaughan and the service/support he provides for his clients.

Any regrets? Not one..other than I wish I had joined V sooner.”


Kate Edwards


Nick Dunn