Nick Dunn

Nick Dunn

Nick came on board with one goal only, to be in the best shape possible for his 40th birthday. Not once did we discuss a photoshoot…until 3 weeks before. He messaged me close to his birthday and asked “What about those shows or shoots your clients are doing, could I do one of them now”

My answer to the latter was “Absolutely” So we managed to get a shoot set up and tweak things in the final couple weeks to bring about the final look. I am super proud of what he achieved and safe to say he couldn’t have looked better. Having been a form world champ triathlete Nick wasn’t shy of hard work but had never underwent a dieting phase before.

He had only taken up bodybuilding style training last year so it was truly remarkable to watch his transformation. His passion for learning was evident throughout as he continued to ask questions, improved his knowledge which ultimate lead to him improving week in, week out.

It was awesome to see the mindset he once had in his previous sport cross over to bodybuilding and it’s safe to say he smashed it!

Here is what Nick had to say about his journey:

“I first got in touch with Prep Coach UK as I was already training but wanted some assistance with aiming to get in the best shape of my life and be ‘Fit for 40’ which was my goal for turning. Having used the gym for many years I had an understanding of training but learnt so much more from the team at VW and it provided me with a sounding board and advise whenever I needed it. Also I am a motivated person but having someone check up on me and keep me on the straight and narrow gave me even more motivation and meant I was not only answering to myself but to my coach.

It was always a two way process and communication was fantastic with the team all the way through the journey. Even with a few ups and downs along the way on my part I felt supported and had excellence guidance throughout. Being a coach myself I realised the benefits of having someone who knew the process to take that headache away from me – to take on the responsibility and plan both training and nutrition so I could just focus on execution, and this is exactly what I got from the team.

I learnt that it doesn’t matter how old you are as long as put the time and effort in and follow the guidance both on a training and nutritional point you can achieve the body you want. I have also learnt during this process more about tracking food and the quantities I need to consume and that small things make a big difference from advice on my lifting technique to different approaches to weight training. I fully recommend Prep Coach UK to anyone interested to getting the body they want.”


James Stark


Caroline Moore