Agnieszka Bogdan


When Agnieszka first came on board she had a great deal of experience with training and had a strong desire to compete. This made my job very easy as I knew if i provided the structure she would get the job done. This was about more than simply competing, this was a personal journey she wanted to go on and for the first time in a long time, do something for herself!

The before and afters are cool, but whats even cooler is to see someone change along the way. Each week you could see there was less self doubt, more confidence and by the time she stepped off stage, a whole new person.

We initially had a long 24-26 week bulk when she start as she was very lean and just need a little bit more tissue for the stage. After the initial big push up we had short recomp and then held until prep began in December 2022 for her first time on stage. Across the season she collected:

4 x 1st
5 x 2nd
1 x 3rd
1 x FMC pro status

It’s been an absolute pleasure to be part of her journey, to see her thrive in life and on stage has been incredible to watch. What makes it even better is that she is only getting started.

Here is what Agnieszka had to say about her journey:

“After my marriage broke down, I was searching for purpose in my life. I was striving to move on and do something meaningful for myself. Going to the gym had always been an important part of my life and something that I enjoyed at an amateur level. I thought about setting up goals for myself and decided I would like to take the gym more seriously and take part in bodybuilding. With this in mind, I knew I would need someone with the knowledge to support me and prepare me to go to a professional level. One of my friends recommended Vaughan. I reached out to him, we spoke in depth and our journey began.

At the very beginning of our journey; my coach Voughan designed my training plan to fit around my lifestyle and personal circumstances. Balancing being a mum, working and doing my training was a challenge. He supported me to stay focused and push myself harder than I ever had before. He kept me motivated and encouraged me throughout. He continuously worked with me to adapt my sessions to meet my needs and achieve my goals. His detailed approach to nutrition and training plans kept me eager to continue. My coach was always professional, kind, understanding and always supported me through clear but also friendly communication.

He always praised me greatly for doing well and progressing but would also give me pointers on what I could be doing better in a constructive manner. At the start of the journey I lacked confidence at times but his ongoing feedback, analysis of my performance and consistent reassurance and encouragement allowed me to find that confidence that I needed to carry on. His unique style of teaching, analysis of body composition and clear verbal instructions kept me motivated and on the right track. He was always on hand and available to answer any questions and support me even when I was doubting myself or had a bad day. His wide range of knowledge allowed me to understand what was expected of me at each stage of my journey and why it was important.

His outstanding service exceeded my expectations. I can’t say enough positive things about him. I am overjoyed with what I have been able to achieve with his support and expertise. Throughout my journey he has continued to support me with physical, emotional and spiritual growth.

I am a 40 year old female and I have made considerably more progress recently than I ever did over 17 years pottering about the gym. I am now more aware of my own body, more disciplined and not only physically stronger but mentally too. I am courageous and confident when facing new challenges. Motivation comes and goes but discipline will get you to your goals. To me, this sport is much more than how many glittery stones I have on my bikini. What is important to me is the ability I have gained to overcome adversity and inspire not only myself but also others to be better. I believe that anything is possible and dreams can be achieved if you believe in yourself.”


Gabriela Krchová


Liam Macadie