
The teams current thoughts on all things physique development. There are so many conflicting issues in the industry today but the team put across their thoughts in laymans terms for you to understand.

Recovery Fundementals, Nutrition/Supplements Vaughan Wilson Recovery Fundementals, Nutrition/Supplements Vaughan Wilson


It’s no secret that stress is something very real in today’s society. Not only that, but it is usually held at chronically high levels. Whether it be bills, your job, family or another matter, we’ve all felt stressed at some point. There might be some of you wondering, how do I know if I am stressed and what does it do to my body? How is stress related to my physique goals?

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Recovery Fundementals, PEDs/Ancillaries Vaughan Wilson Recovery Fundementals, PEDs/Ancillaries Vaughan Wilson

Healing peptides

In recent years, it has become fairly common for athletes involved in bodybuilding to use the healing peptides BPC-157 and TB-500 to improve their recovery from injuries such as tendonitis and/or muscle tears. These peptides can have significant positive effects on tissue repair, and although many people may use these, most don’t actually know or understand the mechanisms behind how they work.

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Recovery Fundementals, Nutrition/Supplements Vaughan Wilson Recovery Fundementals, Nutrition/Supplements Vaughan Wilson

How does creatine work?

The fact that creatine can increase training performance, aid recovery and help us in our endeavour to continually add muscle mass is widely accepted and extensively supported by research and evidence. However, it wasn’t until one of my clients asked me “how does creatine work?” that I actually realised that many of us might not know but are curious about the physiology of creatine. Therefore, my aim with this article is to provide a simplified explanation of this process.

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Recovery Fundementals Vaughan Wilson Recovery Fundementals Vaughan Wilson

Maximum recoverable volume and Minimum effective volume

Maximum recoverable volume (MRV) and Minimum effective volume (MEV) were relatively new terms for me a couple years ago: although they were concepts I had a basic understanding of, I had never really looked at them in depth. And now, whenever I use those terms with new clients, I am often met with a blank expression. Therefore, the purpose of this article is discussed maximum recoverable volume, minimum effective volume, and how (and why!) you can work this out for your own individual needs

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Recovery Fundementals Vaughan Wilson Recovery Fundementals Vaughan Wilson

Blue light blocking glasses

Have you ever seen myself or anyone else wear ‘ridiculous’ looking glasses in the evening? Have you always wondered why on earth we would do this, if it’s not to look cool? These glasses are known as blue light blockers. For those of you who’ve never heard of blue light, here’s a brief explanation of what it is and how it works:

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Recovery Fundementals Vaughan Wilson Recovery Fundementals Vaughan Wilson

Why stress is slowing your progress

Have you ever considered the effect that stress is having on your progress? Did you know that a body in a state of stress is less efficient at burning fat or adding muscle mass? It’s no secret that we live in a society where stress is elevated throughout the day. This can be down to work pressure, bills, family, and day-to-day living. Unfortunately, we’ve come to accept this as the norm – almost to the point where, despite stress levels being high, your average person does very little to try and manage that stress. In fact, most new clients I take on board have no stress management tools in place at all!

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Recovery Fundementals Vaughan Wilson Recovery Fundementals Vaughan Wilson

When should you take rest days?

Do you train on different days per week and find that your performance during sessions is sometimes poor? Are you strategically having rest days before or after certain sessions Unfortunately, not everyone will have the luxury of training at the same time, or the flexibility of assigning specific workouts to a given day due to work/child commitments. However, for those who can, having set days off can massively improve their progress and physique.

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Recovery Fundementals Vaughan Wilson Recovery Fundementals Vaughan Wilson

Poor sleep equals poor results

Do you find yourself constantly tired? Does your performance during workouts suffer because of a lack of energy at times. Without a shadow of a doubt, two of the most common things that are overlooked in developing a physique are sleep duration and the quality of that sleep; and this only happens because sleep isn’t “cool”.

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Recovery Fundementals Vaughan Wilson Recovery Fundementals Vaughan Wilson

You can only train as hard as you recover

Are you constantly tired because you go to bed late? Are you training so much in the gym that you’re always sore when going into your sessions? Tiredness and constant muscle soreness are both indicators of poor recovery – importantly, what many fail to realise is that recovery is absolutely critical to achieving your physique goals.

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Recovery Fundementals Vaughan Wilson Recovery Fundementals Vaughan Wilson

Is stress effecting your menstrual cycle?

Are you experiencing frequent cycles or perhaps you have lost your cycle completely (Amenorrhea)? If so, then go speak to your doctor if you haven’t already. ⁣Over the years of working with hundreds of women, I have noticed trends. Specifically, I have observed that the relationship between stress and the menstrual cycle is a delicate one: if stress is high, then cycles can become irregular, frequent or in some cases, cease.

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