
A gallery of some of the transformations our clients have achieved throughout the years. Photos are great, but seeing the hard work that goes into each one is far more fulfilling from a coaching perspective.

We are truly grateful to have helped so many men and woman achieve success on stage and look great in front of the lens.

Photoshoot Prep Vaughan Wilson Photoshoot Prep Vaughan Wilson

Antonia Parry

“I am proud to have achieved what I had set out to do especially with the gyms being shut; it shows just what is achievable without relying on access to their equipment. This process also showed I could still be disciplined and not let factors outwith my control stop me from reaching my goal. It reaffirms my belief that if you really want something, you’ll find a way to work for it, to make time for it and to make it happen.”

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Photoshoot Prep Vaughan Wilson Photoshoot Prep Vaughan Wilson

Scott Lannon

“The coaching I received from Vaughan throughout the past 4 months have been invaluable. With lockdown, and personal bumps along the way. He kept me on the correct path towards the end goal and always reminded me of how far we had come whenever things got rough. To finally see the end results is phenomenal and I can’t thank Vaughan enough for his guidance. This is just the beginning.”

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Photoshoot Prep Vaughan Wilson Photoshoot Prep Vaughan Wilson

Stewart Chalmers

“After years of training on and off and always getting frustrated getting to the same point and never managing to progress past it I turned to Vaughan for coaching. He has educated me on nutrition, proper form and supplementation. I’ve learned how my body works and responds and since working with Vaughan for the last 21 month my lifestyle has totally changed. I’ve always had the motivation to train and diet but it wasn’t fun training to much and not eating enough.”

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Photoshoot Prep Vaughan Wilson Photoshoot Prep Vaughan Wilson

Andrew Stewart

Andrew is a personal trainer who came on board to complete a photoshoot for two reasons: firstly, to promote his business, and secondly, as a personal goal, as he wanted to get in the best shape of his life. In addition, Andrew was committed to learning about every detail involved in the processes of extreme dieting

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