Prep Coach UK

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Gabriela Krchová

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When Gabriela came on board she made it clear that she had always wanted to step on stage, but wasn’t sure which class she would be suited too and had doubts on wether or not she could complete a successful prep.

Upon assessment it was clear that she was a wellness girl as has a heck of a lot of tissue, particularly in her lower body vs her upper. Although she took my word, she still doubted herself the entire time, there were no doubts in my mind.

She was precise with everything she did from the start of coaching, sending over numerous training videos for analysis, obsessing over posing and never, ever missing a beat. Her hard work was rewarded when she won her first show of the season at PCA South West. This was a show we hadn’t planned to do, but decided to jump in early as she was ready.

Over the course of her competitive season she collected:

2 x 1st
2 x 2nd

Here’s what Gabriela had to say about her journey:

“I believe in signs and that Universe always guides me! So when I decided that I want to try a path to be a bodybuilder and compete I was manifesting and concentrating so much on finding a coach. What happened after few weeks? I got a message on Instagram from Vaughan. We were not “friends”, I did not know him and was not following him on Instagram that time.

But I was like sure let’s just jump on a video call and discuss further and that was all I needed to know that I will be in a good hands and that Universe got my back. The service I have received throughout my journey has been amazing! Vaughan or Coach how I call him most of the time haha has been reachable literally all the time (even when they were due to have a baby!!) supportive, strict (what I needed), kind and very helpful, ready to answer any of my questions, ready to jump on a call just to make sure I am mentally stable and I won’t quit. He has not had an easy journey with me!

Complaining and doubting myself if we chose the right category (wellness), he has heard that all the time! But he believed in me. My journey has not been easy…ups and downs (more downs), struggling, being tired, moody, happy and then sad.. that is all part of bodybuilding and I would not change it.. well maybe a little haha

My life before prep was good, I thought I had everything, but always wanted to try to see how far my body and my mind can get and plus I like a bit of challenge so couldn’t think of better way than prepping for competition. This journey made me better person, more disciplined, determined, motivated, focused, stronger and just super patient with myself.

I have given up holidays, birthdays, visits my families, cakes (you know I love them) for stepping on a stage! Someone once told me once you step on the stage you will know if this is what you want to do… and I absolutely loved it! 

Thanks Vaughan for everything and for getting me in the best shape and mindset of my life!”

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