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How ready are you to change?

how ready are you to change?

Change is something that scares many of us. Change means stepping out of your comfort zone, into an unknown space, and wholeheartedly trusting that the steps you’re taking will be worth it in the end, even if you cannot control the outcome [1].

You might notice that as you consider the possibility of change, you go back and forwards between wanting to embrace it and holding yourself back. This is because change often comes with ambivalence – a fear of letting go of your “current habits self” even though you are eager to embark on a journey to become your “happier self” through change [2].

This applies to ALL kinds of change: if you’re someone who wants to start a long weight loss journey; if you’re someone who wants to go from fitness enthusiast to doing a photoshoot; if you’re someone who wants to step it up to the next level and compete in a bodybuilding show; and equally, if you’re someone who has experienced disordered eating and wants to recover.

Change is hard.

As such, spending time thinking about the pros and cons of change is a good way to consider whether you are ready for change right now, or whether some additional work needs to be done in other areas of life before you can embark on substantial change.

Here are some steps you can follow to better understand whether you are READY FOR CHANGE [3].

  • List the negative consequences of experiencing your current problem, life situation, or circumstance

  • For example, if you are interested in fitness but feel like you have no goal or direction, you might find that your motivation is quite low. With low motivation, you feel like you’re losing your passion for training, which impacts on your mental health, and as such could be problematic in the long run

  • List the positive aspects of experiencing your current problem, life situation, or circumstance

  • For example, if you do not have well developed coping mechanisms and rely on food for comfort and/or numbing painful feelings, choosing to stay where you are and not change feels easier and less terrifying

  • List the personal benefits that you expect if you change yourself i.e. consider how you will have to change in order to achieve your goal

  • For example, overcoming a fear of gaining weight will allow you to enjoy socialising around food with loved ones

  • List the personal costs that you expect if you change yourself i.e. consider what you’ll have to give up in order to change

  • For example, if you’re a fitness enthusiast and want to compete in bodybuilding, you will have to push yourself outside of your comfort zone and change many aspects of your life, eating and training

The bottom line is that it takes a lot of courage to change, and it can be an overwhelming journey to embark on if you are doing it alone. As such, if after reading this article you feel like you are ready to change, contact me today for a free consultation call and we can talk about how we’ll embark on your change journey together.

Clara Swedlund MSc MBPsS


[1] Brown, C. B., & LMSW, B. (2012). The power of vulnerability.

[2] DiClemente, C. C., & Prochaska, J. O. (1998). Toward a comprehensive, transtheoretical model of change: Stages of change and addictive behaviors.

[3] Fursland, A., Byrne, S., & Nathan, P. (2007). Overcoming Disordered Eating. Perth, Western Australia: Centre for Clinical Interventions.