Can you do two shows in one weekend?


Now that the 2024 show calendar is out you might be looking to compete with a couple different federations but have noticed that they have shows on the same weekend. You might even feel disappointed that you can only do one of them.

My question to you is, why can't you do both?

Therefore, the aim of this article is to discuss how you can manage doing two shows in one weekend and the considerations you have to take into account.

Factors to consider

If you look back on my Instagram you'll see a number of examples from last year of my clients doing back to back shows on the same weekend. Not only this but you'll also see them winning/placing in every single one of those shows.

However, there are a few things you need to consider.

First and foremost, would be how far away are the shows? If they are 2-3 hours drive apart, for example the Saturday show is in Manchester and the Sunday show is in Birmingham, I think it's very much doable. Although if they are 6+ hours apart, the Saturday show in Aberdeen and the Sunday show in Birmingham, it might not be feasible.

If you have someone to drive you from show to show, it creates a very low stress environment. You will be able to sleep, relax and chill out as you travel from one city to the next. Remember that the success of any peak will typically come down to keeping stress levels low. I personally go to all my clients shows and typically drive which makes it easier for clients getting around. If you're coach isn't driving you around or you can't get someone else to, you may need to do it yourself or get public transport. That may lead to you feeling exhausted as show days are tiring and if you were forced to take public transport I personally would avoid.

The second thing to consider is the tan. Are both federations using the same tan? If so then you'll be able to get your base coat and topcoat for the first show as normal. This is typically done the night before and then show day morning, however there are instances where you can get both done on the show day morning. That strategy would allow you to save some money as you wouldn’t need to pay for accommodation the night before show number one.

Once you’ve finished your first show you will be able to have a water-based shower that evening using no soap and then get a topcoat the next morning as you normally would. Alternatively, you may find it easier to just do your tan yourself with the help of your partner/coach. That way you aren't rushing about for appointments, aren’t having to fit tan around hair/make up appointments, which would ultimately keep stress levels low.

It's no secret that show days can be much more costly for females when you take into consideration the cost for hair/make-up. That being said you may want to consider doing your own hair and make-up to avoid costly fees but it'll also allow you to sleep in a little the next morning on show day number two.

Food and fluid

One of the biggest thing competitors usually do post show is go to their favourite restaurant and treat it as a somewhat all you can eat buffet. Of course, this is a chance to relax, unwind and celebrate with friends and family. However, if you have a show less than 24 hours later you can’t really do that, or if you did, you would absolutely ruin the look.

That is where everything needs to be calculated from the minute you step off stage, to the minute you step back on stage. Typically, on show day I’ll do checks ins with athletes every 2 hours or so and decide how much food, fluid and salt needs to go in or not. I simply continue this process once the athlete has completed the first show of the weekend. However, I do feel there is room for a bit of flexibility with food.

Let me give you an example from last year: Stacia and Chris did NFMUK Wales on a Saturday and then PCA Manchester on the Sunday. Whilst travelling up to Manchester we stopped off and had a burger king. This was part of the peak and was taken into consideration for food/fluid/salt targets for the rest of the day. That being said, you can enjoy a meal, as long as it’s controlled and accounted for and not a binge. Both athletes won or placed in the top three in both shows.

Once you step off stage you may be given a total amount of meals to hit for the rest of the day, or macros which might include a burger king, or it might not! Alongside this you’ll be given a total amount of fluid/salt to hit. This is typically adjusted as the rest of the day pushes on and diuretics are typically continued to be used as you peak into the second show of the weekend.

Personal experience

I really enjoy those back-to-back weekends. Once it’s over I’m usually exhausted but it’s always worth it. It ultimately allows clients to get two shows done in a short period of time and plenty of stage experience. Some federations allow athletes to do two to three classes in the one show, so in just one weekend they could have stepped on stage four to five times.

What that does is give them a whole lot of stage time and usually a lot of trophies to go with it. It can also be a great strategy to those who are looking to improve stage confidence and posing. The only real drawback is that it’s very hard for the athletes to realise what they have accomplished in that first show and celebrate it. Lets say they win their class and the overall. Well as soon as they step off stage they are already thinking about the next day. Although once the weekend is over and they take time to stop and think about what they have just achieved it sinks in.

The travel was easy as we all just hopped in my car and stayed at the same hotel. That way it kept costs down and everyone was in the same place.

In summary if you are thinking about doing two shows, it is not only feasible but easily managed. You will have to factor in your travel arrangements, tanning and hair/make up but there are ways you can do these yourself and save a bit of money. Food, fluid, salt and diuretics all need to be prescribed and monitored throughout the weekend to ensure you bring your best package. From experience those weekends are tiring but so much fun.

Vaughan Wilson Bsc Hons




Female bodybuilding: Anavar and Primo